Re: [NTLK] OT eMate replacement ribbon cables

From: Humphreys, David (
Date: Wed May 19 2004 - 05:45:25 PDT

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ferdi Ozguner []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:47 PM
> To: Humphreys, David
> Subject: Re: Proposal

>i have just read your latest post.
>First of all what the hell is your problem, i delt in good faith with you
>and you turn around by stabbing me in the back?
>Im glad that i saved all our email conversations, they will negate the lies
>you posted to the list and i will be sure to post them. Why have you done
>this?, are you jealous that ive done something you havent, are you that
>I think the list members might find it interesting how you wanted to go
>about our transaction originally David, keeping me in the background and
>tricking list members into believing that you had actually come through on
>your 'promise' to produce said cable. Admitting that your sole purpose of
>producing anything was not for the betterment of newton owners but as you
>stated in your own words you were 'out for the profit'. Funny how
>everything your accusing me of in your lies to the list ring pretty close to
>You have showed me your true colors here, im happy that i didnt not deal
>with such a lying deceitful person such as yourself.
>FYI Duane was a happy buyer of my cable, so what if he is in canada do you
>think that people from the US are the only ones that will ever want a cable?

Oh my!
I seem to have got Ferdi's attention. What do you think?;)

In order that you all be fully apprised of the situation, I am going to reveal
details of Ferdi's attempts to use my reputation as a springboard for his

I am glad that he has kept the emails from our recent conversations and I look forward
to him posting them. I have nothing to hide and he has everything to lose.

If you want to post them Ferdi, be my guest.

I have never denied that I am in this (and several other ventures) to make a profit.
It just so happens that I like the platform also. It is a matter of record that
I HAVE contributed altruistically to this platform both in goods and monitarily.

Can you say that Ferdi?

Remember, it was YOU who approched me. Not the other way around. I too have ALL
the emails.

So post away! Most people on this list will be able to distil the truth from my


The liar PCBman

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