From: Zachery Bir (
Date: Wed May 19 2004 - 10:35:20 PDT
On May 19, 2004, at 12:40 PM, Zachery Bir wrote:
> Hey, all.
> I noticed the other day, when trying to send an email message with a
> photo attachment from my phone (a Sony Ericsson T610 on T-Mobile's
> network) to my Newton's email account, which I check with MailV. I have
> all the stationery extensions loaded to enable image viewing, etc.
> Email messages sent from my laptop are recieved and interpreted just
> fine by the Newt, but not those sent by my phone.
> Sending similar photo-attached messages from my phone to my normal
> account renders just fine in Apple's Mail. Any ideas? I'll check the
> actual mail messages on the server to see if there's a gross difference
> between the MIME construction for both types.
Two differences that stuck out to me, the Content-Type, and the
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Type: image/jpeg; x-unix-mode=0600; name="Picture(1).jpg"
Content-Disposition: inline;
Content-Type: image/jpg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-ID: <picture(6).jpg>
Content-Location: picture(6).jpg
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="picture(6).jpg"
While on the mail server, I edited the message from the phone, and
changed the Content-Type to 'image/jpeg' and when the newton checked
the account, and pulled down the message, MailV's ImageStationery
worked just fine with it.
Simon, is it possible to get 'image/jpg' registered as a synonymous
moniker for 'image/jpeg'?
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