Re: [NTLK] OT: Psion 5mx

From: Andrei Chichak (
Date: Thu May 20 2004 - 08:06:24 PDT

At 07:53 AM 5/20/2004, you wrote:
>Someone did make hand writing software, called Caligrapher i believe. It's
>very Newton like in that it realisticly recognises cursive, print or mixed
>writing near faultlessly. Actually i can't remember if it's better than
>the Newton recognition or not.

Since you don't have a question, I'll answer it anyway. Caligrapher (I
believe) is a product from a company called Paragraph which is/was a
subsidiary of Sun Microsystems. These are the guys that wrote the original
Newton HWR system.

I met up with one of their chief egg-heads at a Windows CE (don't go there)
conference once. They had ported their system to CE, Psion, windoze, as
well as other OSs.

So, yes, it should be very Newton like.


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