From: Till (
Date: Thu May 20 2004 - 08:38:28 PDT
try "Options" from SBM. It's freeware and it does some other useful
things as well.
Freezing renders a package inactive. In frozen state, packages do not
use heap memory and thus do not slow down the Newton. Packages are
thawed by a single tap if needed.
Am 20. Mai 2004 um 17:11 Uhr schrieb Thomas Isenbarger:
> listers:
> what exactly is "freezing" packages and when would i want to use it?
> I have Freeze Utilities installed, but i only see in the envelope
> (Routing?) menu in extras an item that says "thaw", but never one that
> says "freeze".
> Thanks,
> Tom Isenbarger
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