Re: [NTLK] Something I dislike in the Newton

From: Helvécio Mafra (
Date: Thu May 20 2004 - 17:51:36 PDT

On 20/05/2004, at 20:57, ccsccs7 wrote:

> NewtSync for Mac OS X has an option to synchronize the clock. (If
> you're
> not using a Mac, I guess this isn't helpful, but maybe somebody else
> will have something similar.)

I don't use NewtSysnc, although I have had when it was launched. I
think this is the only thing that didn't work as promised for me: the
Newt's clock was never synchronized, I don't know why. :(

I'll try again, though! Thanks for the tip.


Frustração é a primeira vez que não se consegue dar a segunda, 
desespero é a segunda vez que não se consegue dar a primeira!!
                                                          (o o)
Helvécio Mafra                            Eng. Florestal, MSc. em GIS
Brasília - DF                                                  BRASIL      
ICQ: 34651651
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