Re: [NTLK] Something I dislike in the Newton

From: Alex Leão (
Date: Thu May 20 2004 - 20:18:11 PDT

Fala Helvécio, bom te ver na NTLK!

O newton altera o calendário porque justamente ficou sem energia por
uma noite. Se durante o carregamento das baterias você simplesmente
ligar o Newton ao power adapter, isso não acontecerá. Mas com certeza
um patch pra este problema seria ótimo!

Grande [ ]


Em 20/05/2004, às 20:48, Helvécio Mafra escreveu:

> I use rechargeable batteries on my Newt, and they last for a week,
> approximately. I have, thus, to take the batteries out of my Newt
> every week to recharge them, and leave it (the Newt) without any
> power during one night.
> What really pisses me off is that when I put the batteries on, the
> date on my Newton goes back to sometime in 1996 (it used to be
> sometime in 1956, but I heve no idea why, it has changed - for the
> better). I have, then, to adjust the Newt's clock, and it takes me
> some 25 taps to bring it up to date.
> Is there any alternative way to update the Newt's clock besides its
> internal clock app? Could one of the great developers in this list
> create a patch that bypass that little calendar thing used to update
> Newt's date (the way the hour is updated is great)?
> Cheers,
> Helvécio
> --
> Dedão: dispositivo próprio para dar topadas no pé da cama.
> \|||/
> (o o)
> -------------------------------------------------------oooO(_)Oooo---
> Helvécio Mafra Eng. Florestal, MSc. em GIS
> Brasília - DF BRASIL
> ICQ: 34651651
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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