[NTLK] Fix via Freezing? (was Re: Lunasuite Code)

From: DJ Vollkasko (DJ_Vollkasko_at_gmx.net)
Date: Sun May 23 2004 - 05:32:55 PDT

>Has anyone ever tried to document just *which* items cause it to crash,
>so that anyone trying to update it knows what areas to look at first?

IIRC somebody within the last 7 days posted that he's a very happy LS user
and doesn't have any stability issues at all, thanks to having ... [enter
competing browser] either frozen or not installed at all.

Check the archive, maybe that helps... If that's indeed the case and
reproduceable behaviour, all that'd be needed would be to get ICS NewtCase
installed and when starting LunaSuite have all competing browser packages
frozen (also good for heap, too!). And when you use Newt's Cape, you could
have all LS-packages frozen upon starting that.

What do you think?


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