Re: [NTLK] eMate disassembly - do I *have* to de-solder?/my ematejust came

From: Dan (
Date: Thu May 27 2004 - 13:14:40 PDT

>> Glad I am not the only one, I guess T8 is a odd size. Looks like I
>> will
>> have to go pick up a set or will drop by Sears for a T8 bit, probaly
>> will do
>> the latter as it is cheaper ( or should be at least).
>You PC guys... I have four of these. One I carry in my tool bag,
>along with a couple little phillips and 1 little flat blade, One I
>leave over at the shop, and the two that came with Newertech emate
>upgrade (this was a little L shaped type). This was a nice bonus with
>the Newertech upgrades.
>I recommend buying a good one of these... I am notoriously cheap, but
>tools are not an area where I hold back on spending.

Well if you don't repair apple equpment then a T8 is a odd size (like I said
I have everything else in all sizes). It all depends on your point of view.
Also it just reinforces this fact when the emate upgrade came WITH a T8.

And I agree one does not want to be cheap with tools, it makes the job go
smothly as silk or like a 11 car pile up....depending on if you used the
right/good tools or not. ;)


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