From: bdball-newt1_at_mailblocks.com
Date: Thu May 27 2004 - 18:34:39 PDT

Sorry in advance if this has not been done right. This is my first
post. I have been a lurker on the boards for about a year. I bought my
first newton at that time, a mp110. Soon after I bought a mp2100 but it
wasn't in very good shape and although I loved using it, it basically
fell apart. Today though I received my "new" mp2000 in the mail. I just
love this thing!

One funny story I have is that 5 years ago I bought an Apple Powerbook
1400cs. I was looking for software for it and picked up some closeout
games from the local computer store. One of the games I bought but
didn't realize was the Newton Arcade Pack. We'll I held on to it even
though I never thought I would buy a Newton. Four years later it
finally got used.

One other thing, I've searched through the information on wireless
cards and the Newton but am still confused on what card I can use. Is
there a good list somewhere that I am unaware of that shows what cards
are compatible and how hard is it to find these cards?

Thanks again!

Brian in KC!

This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries
Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/
WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/

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