Re: [NTLK] DIY Printer Cable schematics for PC?

From: Dan (
Date: Thu May 27 2004 - 18:46:43 PDT

>I've really got two questions.
>1) Does anyone have schematics for a DIY Newton Printer Cable or know where
>they can be found?
>I'm refering to the cable that works with PrintPack 2.0 of course, not
>PrintPack 1.0 as I read it had embeded software in it.

Ok bascially when the PrinPack is connected to the newton it checks to see
if you have a version of the driver, and if not it installs it but it won't
overwrite the driver if it is already installed. The 2.0 version will work
with the 1.0 cable, at least mine does.


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