[NTLK] RE DIY Printer Cable schematics for PC?

From: Brian (bmcewen_at_comcast.net)
Date: Fri May 28 2004 - 09:11:04 PDT

On Friday, May 28, 2004, at 09:00 AM, newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net wrote:

> Subject: [NTLK] DIY Printer Cable schematics for PC?
> Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 20:21:35 -0400
> I've really got two questions.
> 1) Does anyone have schematics for a DIY Newton Printer Cable or know
> where
> they can be found?
> I'm refering to the cable that works with PrintPack 2.0 of course, not
> PrintPack 1.0 as I read it had embeded software in it.

Actually both cables have some logic embedded in them (for buffering
and other tasks that their tech supprt didn't disclose to me when I
asked). It's just that the 1.0 also had newton .pkg drivers built in
as well as the other logic that's handling conversion of the data flow

> I want to hack one so it works with either a PC or Newton.

Regardless, these cables are not just pin adapters, you need the
built-in logic as well. I suppose if you were clever you could
duplicate the logic via software (but if you are trying to use a PC
with a Mac printer (?? I don't understand the use of a PC here) you're
going to have to write your own drivers anyway). Seems problematic...


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