[NTLK] PRESS RELEASE - The Worldwide Newton Association is now Officialy Recognized

From: Paul Guyot (pguyot_at_kallisys.net)
Date: Fri May 28 2004 - 09:16:20 PDT

You will find below the Press Release of the Worldwide Newton
Association. The text is also attached in PDF format.
This press release also is available on the web at:


Paul Guyot

Press Release
Paris, 05/28/2004
For immediate release

The Worldwide Newton Association is now officially recognized

The creation of the Worldwide Newton Association has been published
in France government's Journal Officiel. Its first board is the

Ronnie Simon, from Great Britain, President
Nicolas Zinovieff, from France, Secretary
Paul Guyot, from France, Treasurer

The goal of the Worldwide Newton Association is to promote the Newton
computing platform. With several thousands of units currently running
worldwide, and a core group of passionate developers, this personal
digital assistant has been able to adapt to the latest evolutions in
technology found in the computing world: Internet, WiFi, Bluetooth,
modern storage media, and so on. Integration of these new
technologies is a sign that the Newton remains the king of the PDAs,
even though the production and marketing of this miniaturized
computer ended over six years ago. The continued popularity of the
Newton gathers together a community of users, the Newtonians, around
Internet websites such as NewtonTalk (http://www.newtontalk.net/).

Adam Tow, a Newton developer since the early days, commented on the
creation of the association with these words: "I think it's a good
idea to formalize a Newton community since it's all being done on an
ad-hoc basis right now." The association also counts Grant Hutchinson
among its early supporters, who welcomed the creation of the
association with these spontaneous words: "Oh, that is cool. Count me

Our first members

We are extremely proud to announce that among our first members, you
can find two founding fathers of the Newton: Larry Yaeger and Walter
Smith. We are immensely grateful that they have joined us and hope
that other community members will join the Worldwide Newton
Association. This association will link together various "Newton User
Groups" and will gather individuals and professionals via meetings,
symposiums, conferences, international events and project funding.

The membership fees were fixed as follows:

- 15 euros per year for students and the unemployed
- 30 euros per year for other individuals
- 300 euros per year for companies

Members benefit from exclusive services such as:

- frequent news about the Newton community via e-mail and regular mail
- a complete address book of members
- discounted fees related to events organized by the association

A first challenge

The first event organized by the association is the Worldwide Newton
Conference 2004 (WWNC-2004), which will gather Newton lovers,
developers, hardware specialists, advanced users and beginners. It
will take place in Paris on September 4th and 5th 2004, the Saturday
and the Sunday following Apple Expo 2004.
During these two days, beginners will be able to experience the
nearly infinite potential of their "green friend", meet people who
currently develop solutions for the Newton platform, and understand
the history and the universe of this mythical PDA.

During these two days, developers will be able to present new ideas,
ask people who use their solutions for their opinions, and share
their experience. Enthusiasts will be able to come from anywhere in
the world and meet other people sharing the passion for this strange
object: the Newton.

For more information

The association provides news, information, legal details and useful links.

Website: http://worldwide-newton.asso.eu.org/

Press Contacts

Nicolas Zinovieff, secretary of the Worldwide Newton Association.

E-mail: nicolas.zinovieff_at_worldwide-newton.asso.eu.org
Phone: +33 (0) 6 83 68 46 41

More information and contacts are available upon request.

About the Worldwide Newton Conference WWNC-2004

The Worldwide Newton Conference WWNC-2004 will take place in Paris on
September, 4th and 5th, 2004.

Website: http://wwnc.newtontalk.net/

About the Worldwide Newton Association

The Worldwide Newton Association (Association Newton Mondiale) is an
association governed by French law and was declared official in Paris
in April, 2004.

This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries
Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/
WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/

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