From: Woody Smith (
Date: Sun May 30 2004 - 15:08:32 PDT
I would contact Standalone and ask for new registration codes. They
will probably want some money.
On Sunday, May 30, 2004, at 01:37 PM, Ryan Bruels wrote:
> Greetings,
> I purchased a Newton 2100 recently from someone who had five of
> Standalone's apps registered. If you're aware, those apps are keyed to
> the owner name in the Owner Info app. He did relinquish the apps to me
> -- he has no remaining copies -- so is there any way I can get these
> apps to recognize their new owner?
> It actually worked, sort of, by adding the old owner as a secondary
> Owner, but as soon as I selected my name for anything, all the apps
> de-registered themselves when I reboot the Newton.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
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