From: Michael (
Date: Mon May 31 2004 - 01:40:18 PDT
Hello I am having trouble beaming with Neo Obex Transport from names and notepad (-8007) (-48205) , I have no problems recieving.
I have no trouble using Neo Obex Transport 0.7.1 to beam notes.
I have the Bugtrap log below.
Dear Developer:
This BugTrap log was created when I < use Neo IrObex Obex Transport 0.9.3 beaming from notepad>.
This problem/log < / is something I can reproduce >.
The log was created and the program appeared to < / not work correctly >
Sorry, a problem has occurred.
Crashed in function from: Super NotePad:SAS
Version: 1
Created: 14/11/97 6:17 PM
Store: Internal
CpyRght: ©1996 Stand Alone, Inc.
Stack Trace:
functions.Rethrow() <native function>
Debugging at stack level: 1
Current Receiver from level: 1
{debug: "protoRoutingSlip",
pickActionScript: <_function: 1 arg>,
buttonClickScript: <_function: 0 args>,
133: PushConstant NIL
134: GetVar [ 6 ]
135: Push 'GetItemTransport
138: Call 1
139: Push 'MissingTarget
142: SendIfDefined 1
143: Pop
144: PopHandlers
147: Branch 165
150: PushConstant NIL
151: PushSelf
152: Push 'hilite
155: Send 1
156: Pop
157: Push 'Rethrow
160: Call 0
161: Pop
162: PopHandlers
165: PushConstant NIL
166: SetFindVar 'actionList
167: PushConstant NIL
168: SetFindVar 'popupForm
169: PushConstant NIL
170: SetFindVar 'targetInfo
pc = 161
Newton machine type: 268447744 Built: 17/10/97 1:15 PM
CPU: strongarm 162.184 mhz
ROM: 2.1 (717260) patched -- Total RAM: 4079616 bytes -- Free Heap RAM: 250492 bytes
Screen Depth: 4 -- Screen Size/Res: 320x480 100x100
This note was created by BugTrap 1.6 from Tactile Systems, Inc.
Send us comments or suggestions.
NSDebugTools © Apple Computer, Inc.
Dear Developer:
This BugTrap log was created when I < insert explantion here >.
This problem/log < only happened once / is something I can reproduce >.
The log was created and the program appeared to < work correctly / not work correctly >
Sorry, a problem has occurred.
Crashed in child of the root:
{debug: "routeSlip",
PrepareToSend: <_function: 1 arg>,
viewBounds: {#4},
stepChildren: [#1] - stepChildren,
MConvertHex: <_function: 1 arg>,
MStringToAddr: <_function: 1 arg>,
viewSetupFormScript: <_function: 0 args>,
noScroll: "This application does not support scrolling...",
noOverview: "This application does not support Overview...",
Stack Trace:
root.SyncView() <native function>
<_function: 0 args>():3
Debugging at stack level: 1
Current Receiver from level: 1
{debug: "routeSlip",
PrepareToSend: <_function: 1 arg>,
viewBounds: {#4},
stepChildren: [#1] - stepChildren,
MConvertHex: <_function: 1 arg>,
MStringToAddr: <_function: 1 arg>,
viewSetupFormScript: <_function: 0 args>,
noScroll: "This application does not support scrolling...",
noOverview: "This application does not support Overview...",
0: FindVar 'bottomIndent
1: PushConstant NIL
2: PushSelf
3: Push 'SetupBounds
4: Send 2
5: Pop
6: PushSelf
7: Push 'SyncView
8: Send 0
9: Pop
10: PushSelf
11: Push 'LocalBox
12: Send 0
13: SetVar [ 3 ]
14: GetVar [ 3 ]
15: Push 'top
16: GetVar [ 3 ]
17: Push 'bottom
18: GetPath 1
19: FindVar 'bottomIndent
pc = 9
Newton machine type: 268447744 Built: 17/10/97 1:15 PM
CPU: strongarm 162.184 mhz
ROM: 2.1 (717260) patched -- Total RAM: 4079616 bytes -- Free Heap RAM: 241032 bytes
Screen Depth: 4 -- Screen Size/Res: 320x480 100x100
This note was created by BugTrap 1.6 from Tactile Systems, Inc.
Send us comments or suggestions.
NSDebugTools © Apple Computer, Inc.
Dear Developer:
This BugTrap log was created when I <use Neo Obex 0.9.3 IC/IV 2.03 beaming from names >.
This problem/log < / is something I can reproduce >.
The log was created and the program appeared to < / not work correctly >
Sorry, a problem has occurred.
Crashed in function in getroot().cardfile
Stack Trace:
functions.Rethrow() <native function>
Debugging at stack level: 1
Current Receiver from level: 1
{debug: "protoRoutingSlip",
_parent: {#8},
_proto: {#3},
viewCObject: 52071195,
viewFlags: 515,
targetInfo: {#3},
actionList: [#11],
popupForm: {#9},
133: PushConstant NIL
134: GetVar [ 6 ]
135: Push 'GetItemTransport
138: Call 1
139: Push 'MissingTarget
142: SendIfDefined 1
143: Pop
144: PopHandlers
147: Branch 165
150: PushConstant NIL
151: PushSelf
152: Push 'hilite
155: Send 1
156: Pop
157: Push 'Rethrow
160: Call 0
161: Pop
162: PopHandlers
165: PushConstant NIL
166: SetFindVar 'actionList
167: PushConstant NIL
168: SetFindVar 'popupForm
169: PushConstant NIL
170: SetFindVar 'targetInfo
pc = 161
Newton machine type: 268447744 Built: 17/10/97 1:15 PM
CPU: strongarm 162.184 mhz
ROM: 2.1 (717260) patched -- Total RAM: 4079616 bytes -- Free Heap RAM: 233664 bytes
Screen Depth: 4 -- Screen Size/Res: 320x480 100x100
This note was created by BugTrap 1.6 from Tactile Systems, Inc.
Send us comments or suggestions.
NSDebugTools © Apple Computer, Inc.
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This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Mon May 31 2004 - 03:00:04 PDT