[NTLK] Free C Computer Programming Book (Sorry, US Only!)

From: Brian Pearce (bpearce_at_cloud9.net)
Date: Mon May 31 2004 - 15:34:23 PDT

Once again, in cleaning out my closet and going through some books that
had been packed away, I came across a book from those halcyon days when
I had more spare time than I do now; or, at least, I was able to fool
myself into thinking I did.

THE ABSOLUTE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO C (Second Edition) is, according to
the book, "The friendly, informative way to learn the C language." It
seemed so, at the time; for someone with no real programming experience
outside of AppleScript, it started to make some sense to me. It can be
anyone's for the asking; with the sole provision that they be a US

(I'm genuinely sorry to have to do it this way, but the last time I did
this, both books ended up claimed by residents overseas and...no
offense to either of them...it was more effort to ship them out than I
have the time for these days. I'm just going to get my wife to send
this out from work.)

First person to email me off-list that wants it, can have it. (I was
going to request that you use it to learn programming for the good of
all mankind, but I'd be too busy to follow up on that, anyway!)


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