From: James Nichols (
Date: Mon Nov 08 2004 - 13:58:02 PST

I'm not sure how conclusive this is -> but after starting my mp2100
without loading packages (holding the stylus down near the left edge at
startup) - I still get IrDA and TCP/IP as options when I launch Dock.
TCP/IP gives me an error - which makes sense, a the Dock TCP/IP package
is disabled, but I can still connect via IrDA to newton DIL tester
under os 9. IIRC, this program was how I bootstrapped my newton in the
first place, I believe via IrDA (I don't think I owned a serial cable

I do have the latest newton OS on this machine, and HAVE had the Dock
TCP/IP package installed at one time - but even with all packages
disabled, I still get IrDA.

J Tyler Nichols
On Nov 8, 2004, at 2:53 PM, Frank Gruendel wrote:

>> Unfortunately, the MP 110 cannot receive IR beams from a PowerBook.
>> That would require IrDA, which only the latest models (MP2000 and
>> MP2100 and maybe the eMate) have.
> To the best of my knowledge NO Newton or emate model supports IRDA.
> At least not out of the box.
> Frank
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