From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Tue Oct 05 2004 - 06:30:33 PDT wrote:
> Thank you to Ashish Mishra and Sarofax, for making the fine software
> contribution to the Newton Worldwide Community! I'm happily reading through the
> program documentation and am preparing to upload the new software.
> I seem to have had a problem with the "unstuffing" procedure on my PC, and I
> did not get all of the files for the ShowMate app. Can somebody please send
> me the ShowMate app? Thank you in advance for your consideration.
I believe the sources are in Mac NTK format anyways, which means you'll need a
Mac environment to use them, or convince someone to use the Mac NTK -> Win NTK
converter. Not that I've had good luck with that tool :(
If you only have a PC, I suggest you download a copy of BasiliskII and use the
MacOS 7.5.5 and NewtonDev disk images on UNNA:
-- Victor Rehorst - - NewtonTalk list administrator - Will the last person to leave the platform please turn off the backlight? -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles:
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