From: Andy Galluzzi (
Date: Wed Oct 06 2004 - 04:52:14 PDT
Well, the 115kbps doesn't seems to be handled correctly by te NCU on
Windows. Also, 230kbps is a *huge* speed for a Windows desktop (in
Windows 9x there is a tweak to let it work at this speed). I think that
this limitation in the connection speed in Windows is more likely
because the NCU is too old, and somewhere in the serial configuration
reader it reads serial speed with up to 5 digits, but this is just a
guess. The real thing is that with 115kbps in the configuration it
doesn't even initialize the serial port.
Best regards,
James Wages wrote:
>I recently came across a package ("Ser57600.pkg") that works in conjunction
>with a patch on NCU to allow 56kbps transfer rates over serial. It's amazing
>how much faster transfers are now than before. But I also found two other
>packages that can boost serial speeds to 115kbps and 230kbps, but only on
>UNIX. Since many older Macs can transfer 115kbps, I am led to wonder why is
>the limit set to 56kbps. Would anyone happen to know?
>Some links:
>James Wages
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