From: Jonas (
Date: Tue Oct 12 2004 - 03:17:07 PDT
I am currently undergoing research into the possability of an upgraded newton based upon the 2x00.
I'm fully aware this topic has been beaten to death many times, but please hear me out.
How many readers of this mailing list would be seriously interested in exchanging their current newton 2x00 for an upgraded machine?
This machine would most likely feature a faster CPU (in the area of 233 MHz) without overclocking the sound, serial or IR ports.
The storage and system memory would both be expanded, though to what degree I do not yet know. Most likely doubled.
This would have the added bonus of setting minds at ease in the memory failure department.
Along with this would go an LCD with both a modern touch screen and backlight.
Plus the Interconnect port on the back would be replaced by standard serial and audio in/out.
Finally, there is the possability that a compact flash slot would be added WITHOUT disrupting the 2 PCMCIA slots.
Being basicly a newton 2100, it would still keep software compatability while giving the machine some more life through nearly all new components and the expanded hardware.
I have tried to round up all the common (and uncommon) modifications and upgrades to implement them as best as possable in one package.
Would this be worth the money and downtime to you, the users of Newtons?
I would very much like to know why you would or wouldn't, and what else you would like to see.
Best yet if people could email me with a Yay or a Nay at so I can keep track, then I will have a much better idea of what to do.
I can also be contacted for details and discussion of modifications through here, email or over AOL Instant Messanger @ "The JaX04"
(Please do not email me at as the spam filters most likely will dispose of your message.)
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