From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Fri Oct 15 2004 - 17:17:39 PDT
LAG, I have to agree with you here...I suspect that
the Mac loyalists in this group believe that the
Newton transferred into a "new" body may suffer
similar schizophrenia written about in Heinlein's
book, "I will Fear No evil" (if you haven't read *may* fine is somewhere in Newton book format
on my Newton download site...if you can't find it,
don't ask)
I, for one, look forward to the day when I can move my
Newt into new digs. I just discovered a crack that
recently formed on my Newt...a latteral crack on the
front case over the battery was
disconcerting to say the least...It's like that
self-image thing...we know what we look like, so we
don't recognize ourselves in photographs...Our
internal image of ourselves don't age, but the body
does....the same thing for the Newt, my image of my
Newt is eternal, but reality dictates that entropy
must ensue. To all things there must be an end...I'm
just not willing to go peacefully into that
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages)
<appologies to any badly quoted prose>
--- LAG <> wrote:
> LMAO. i think the point is being over looked
> primarily because most mac folks cant get passed
> what ever os is on a device. we arent looking for
> an os to replace the newton. we are looking for a
> new body to put our aged friend into. we are
> looking for the teenage body for our senoir citizen.
> as long as everyone keeps harping about what os is
> running underneath this will never see the day of
> light. let the developers take what ever handheld
> they can find and put our newtons brains on it in
> what ever form they can and i will put money in
> someones hands. please, please, please stop
> worrying about the os it is on. stop trying to have
> a new mac pda, its not going to happen if your
> beloved apple has anything to say about it. at this
> point i leave any decisions that have to do with the
> future of my newton in the hands of the developers.
> to you i say thank you for what ever you try to do
> and i await your final conclusion.
> picking up my 2 cents,
"A democracy is a sheep and two wolves deciding on what to have for lunch. Freedom is a well armed sheep contesting the results of the decision."
- Benjamin Franklin
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