From: Frank Gruendel (
Date: Mon Oct 18 2004 - 13:43:53 PDT
> Though that's true somebody at the WWNC mentioned that the
> backlight4you backlight made less noise IIRC.
> I think they added a bit of circuitry to get the hum down, but I might
> be wrong.
> Guess we'll wait for Frank with the 'final verdict'...
They didn't add any circuitry. Their backlight comes with a capacitor
that is supposed to replace a capacitor on the main logic board. This
is not for getting the hum down, but because replacing this capacitor
is supposed to result in about 5% increase in brightness. I did not
put this capacitor in, because after the light has passed as many
reflecting surfaces as it has to, let alone the LCD itself, it is more
than unlikely that one would notice any difference. Be aware that only
a small portion of the emitted light will reach your eyes.
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