From: David Abramowitz (
Date: Wed Oct 20 2004 - 05:57:18 PDT
On Oct 19, 2004, at 10:15 PM, Blake Patterson wrote:
> So, some of the Newton apps I've been installing need
> NTK to be used to build their data files (Newtendo,
> Mod player, etc.). I run a dual G5 2.5 with OS X and
> I installed Classic just for the occasion. Pulled
> down NTK from UNNA and unpacked the NTK164 sea (not
> the b3 one) and it produced "Newton Toolkit." Well,
> when I run it it says:
> "Could not start the application because of some
> unknown error."
> ...and Classic is working fine. How do I get this
> running? Trick? Thanks.
You need to install the b3 one FIRST, then just copy the 164 executable
over top the b3 one. The b3 has all the files you need - the 164
executable is just a replacement for the b3 one to make it 164
officially. If you try and start the 164 update by itself as you did,
it won't find any of the supporting files, and you'll get the error
that you got.
- Dave
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