From: Peter Fraser (
Date: Thu Sep 09 2004 - 22:43:19 PDT
i decided to ask someone who might know. here's what he said...
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Steve Wozniak <>
> Date: September 9, 2004 10:12:54 PM PDT
> To: Peter Fraser <>
> Subject: Re: Fwd: [NTLK] Newton Future?
> At 5:34 PM -0700 2004.09.09, Peter Fraser wrote:
>> Steve -
>> My guess is that you wouldn't want to get involved, but just in
>> there a way to engage Apple in this discussion, in your
>> opinion, or should the Newton community just keep dreaming?
> Dreaming. Sorry.
> --
> Regards,
> Steve (is tv wake zone?)
-- Peter
and now some stuff to try to keep ecartis from bouncing my message for
not being long enough
and now some more stuff to try to keep ecartis from bouncing my message
for not being long enough
and now even more stuff to try to keep ecartis from bouncing my message
for not being long enough
and now still more stuff to try to keep ecartis from bouncing my
message for not being long enough
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