From: Ray Zschau (
Date: Fri Sep 24 2004 - 17:29:42 PDT
I got VNC set up so that my 2100 could control my mac across my LAN few
months ago. With my current setup (2 monitors running 1280 x 1024) it
was pretty much just a novelty. But it was pretty cool to just get it
working. I was able to get things set up to work across the internet
also, although a bit more work is involved in registering your IP with
a service like, and getting the java VNC client correctly
setup on your main box. All the info I got was from Steve Weyer's
newtVNC site, and pages linked off of the Real VNC site. I'm not sure
where I got the java VNC program for OS X, although I do remember that
it's not actively supported. I'll be setting up a headless server here
pretty soon, and may actually use the newt as a controller. Thanks for
reminding me about it. :) Also, the stylus works as a mouse, but you
are correct in noticing that it's pretty limited.
On Sep 24, 2004, at 1:09 PM, Bill Miranda wrote:
> The screen shot of windows running on a Newton looks fascinating. How
> well does it actually work? Is it fast enough at redrawing the screen
> to be practical? Do you need a keyboard attached for input or does it
> somehow work with HWR?
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