From: Jon Glass (
Date: Sat Sep 25 2004 - 23:55:25 PDT
On Sep 25, 2004, at 3:18 PM, Robert Benschop wrote:
> Victor might or might not elaborate on his decision to do so at the
> time, but I did ask Victor to remove Ferdi because both on- and
> off-list he wasn't nice company.
Sorry to keep flogging this poor guy, but I think it should be
mentioned (and don't think it has been yet) that Ferdi never
contributed to the discussion of the list. The only times he ever
posted was to promote his business or to flame those who were not
appreciative of what he was doing. I think the only time or two that he
ever posted on topic was after Woo accused him of not contributing, and
over the next couple of days he posted a couple things. It didn't last
long however. I think this is an important distinction that ought not
be overlooked when we discuss this issue.
This list does not exist to further the profit-aims of some vendors,
but as a tool to mutually help one another. A vital part of that is the
buying, selling and trading, but when it is obvious that somebody is
just using this list to advertise their wares, it degrades the list.
Besides that, it tears down the level of trust upon which this list's
survival depends. Ferdi was one of the most egregious offenders in this
respect, both posting frequently and attempting to profit on the good
will of list members by overcharging, and worse, not being a very good
business man on occasion. In the last part, he seems to have improved
somewhat with time (as have other vendors that created bad will at the
beginning of their NTLK and Newton dealings) but by that point, he had
already destroyed any good will he may have had or been able to earn on
this list. I think all these things play into what became a general
impetus to see him removed from the list.
I guess I've said more than enough now... :-)
-- -Jon Glass Krakow, Poland <> -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles:
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