From: Tyler Regas (
Date: Mon Aug 01 2005 - 13:00:56 PDT
Its an Asante AppleTalk/Ethernet Bridge. Its shocking, but last time
I checked Asante was still selling them for US$300 per! This was only
three years ago.
On Aug 1, 2005, at 12:49 PM, Jon Glass wrote:
> You know, after I posted what I posted, I remembered something from=20
> when I had my problems.... I wasn't using an Ethernet card inside
> the=20
> Newton, but that external box that converted LocalTalk to Ethernet.
> I=20
> forget its name, but that was the box that would not connect to my=20
> Pismo. I don't think I've ever tried a direct connection with my=20
> Ethernet card. I had forgotten about that, but after writing what I=20
> wrote, it got me thinking..... Sorry about forgetting that little=20
> detail. In any case, that box couldn't negotiate a connection
> without a=20=
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