From: Jon Scordia (
Date: Mon Aug 08 2005 - 06:57:08 PDT
Well, you learn the hard way. I was acting on advice to fully charge/discharge some 'new' Newt batteries for max capacity and lost everything. To my horror, seconds after the Newt told me I had 19% battery life left and after a low batt. warning, I suddenly found it to be dead. On swapping in fresh batteries I was faced with the initial setup screen. No installed apps or data to be found.
I've been re-installing all of the apps & drivers that I had working comfortably until a week ago.
However I'm trying to install Blueprint 2, which HAD worked happily, onto the internal memory with plenty of space. It installs, but then fails to activate. I get an error message that I can't remember in detail from here at work, something along the lines of an incompatibility with this Newton. The downloaded installer is the SAME one as before.
I assume that there aren't any soups or prefs that are troubling me, as that's all presumably toast.
Any ideas? Observations? (other than IDIOT!)
Thanks guys,
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