[NTLK] 'nother new eBook: "EMate Project at Maple Ridge"

From: mkow1234_at_aol.com
Date: Tue Aug 16 2005 - 19:29:23 PDT

Hey Folks,
I just finished an eBook that may be of interest to owners of the eMate. Professor Marv Westrom generously granted me permission to publish one of his educational research articles in the Newton eBook format. If you own an eMate or bought one for your kids to use, this article can help you to better understand how the eMate can be used to supplement your child's education. Look for this and many other interesting fiction and non-fiction eBook titles in DJ and Marty's Newton Library soon!
[And folks, it ain't that tough to find good material to publish -- it just takes a bit of creativity. Now really, you don't think I'm more creative than you? Do you? Come on! The gloves are off. Start publishing eBooks!]
Matt K.

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