Date: Thu Dec 22 2005 - 13:26:01 PST
Hello all!
I dug into my archives from the Developer discs and found these two little goodies and put them up on the site, just for the Newtontalk group. Well, really for anyone who loves the Newton, really. I've upped my bandwidth so you guys could download this willy-nilly. Go crazy.
They are the PDF version from Apple for the last two Newton Solutions catalogs that shipped with the final Newtons. They are all hyperlinked and lovely.
The more important thing I want to discuss is the software I've collected over the years.
While the person who buys the Newton Museum will have a huge collection boxed with manuals and the like, I took the time before I boxed it to archive every disk that was opened. I also archived the entire developer collection, plus all the "Totally for Newtons," plus... on and on and on.
As a thank you to the group, I'm going to burn three DVDs that contain all this and send it to someone who can keep the software collection for anyone who needs packages or wants to marvel at the goodies I've found.
I worry, though about a couple of things.
1. Software that is in my collection that is still being sold. I don't think it's fair to companies who are still developing their packages to lose out of potential revenue. If you can buy it, I don't think it should be shared. I would only advocate abandonware and documents.
2. I will be swamped by people asking for this package or that, or worse everyone on the list will ask for copies of these DVD.
VERY IMPORTANT: I will flatly turn down further requests for copies or packages. I helped Sonny out 'cause the poor guy was in pain! ;). Could these make their way to UNNA? Is there a newer site? Just let me know who the keeper of the flame is, and I'll send the set to them at my expense. Please don't contact me directly, do this through the list. I want everyone's input on this.
3. Apple might freak out at the amount of Apple developer info and come after me. Well, I don't think this would REALLY happen, but who knows? The people who I bought from/were given these docs and discs must have signed some kind of NDA that never expire, right? Well..
Most of all I'd love for you all to read/see/enjoy what can be archived here. Please let me know through the list who I should send the DVDs to, and this mystery good Samaritan can pass it all out!
Merry Christmas,
John Venzon
Curator (for now)
Newton Museum
PS. I don't think I can stop this auction, as it's been launched and is generating money and space for my family to remodel an area so my kids have a place to play. That's the reason for the auction.
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