Re: [NTLK] [OT] Switching to Mac (was Re: Christmas Eve, Apple Store - Employees Still Using Newts!)

From: William Pociengel (
Date: Fri Dec 30 2005 - 10:03:06 PST

John wrote:
>>have you considered running virtualpc on a mac? thne you should be able
>>to run your old os and just move over 'stuff' as needed. works for me.
> Tell me the truth ;-)
> How well or poorly does vPC really run on your Mac, I've always toyed

well I wouldn't try running doom3 on my laptop ;-) but it works fine on
my g4 1.5ghz. the 1.25gb of ram helped to reduce swapping. I just
started u win2k in a window and it starts about as fast (time wise,
feel) as on a 1ghz p3. no it's not quick but it's usable.

ok i just installed sysoftsandra 2004sp1
the system summary says it's a 698mhz pentiumpro with a processor rating
of 804mhz. not fast but usable YMMV.

so in summary, forget games on it (unless you maybe have a g5 or 2 but
it usable for the occasional win app.


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mentat admonition
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