From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Tue Jan 04 2005 - 00:05:15 PST
> Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2005 19:40:24 +0100
> From: Paul Guyot <>
> Subject: [NTLK] [OT] gmail invites
> Hi all,
> I've just noticed that I have 6 invites for and I vaguely
> recall that people here like gmail invites (even if you cannot check
> your gmail account on your Newton -- yet).
> Let me know privately (I'll post again once they will be all given
> out).
Bear with me, y'all, I'm not actively trying to be a prick, but --
What's gmail good for besides the usual free mail offer?
How does the 1 GB space offer differ from the 1 GB offered by
Can part of that webspace be shared directories with public webbrowser
*and* ftp download-only access?
What else is cool about that thang? Why it such hype here on list?
I'm currently twiddling around with the space at, the access is
via webDAV (cooler than ftp - mounted share like iDisk -, but slower
than multi-connection ftp, slows down the Finder on my PowerBook, too .
which FTP don't...), and access links can only be mailed out or
temporarily or permanently shared with Also I can't
just share a directory with the world and e.g. put a website there, as
far as I've read the help pages. Anybody know more about this? I'd be
glad to learn how to do it.
What I'm looking for is 1 GB webspace with FTP or webDAV access, and
where folks can just browser to with their Newts, or suck the stuff
using ftp.
Your generous patience much appreciated.
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