From: Craig Smith (
Date: Wed Jan 05 2005 - 22:20:19 PST
In a previous message Vaughn Corden wrote:
From: Vaughn Corden <>
Subject: [NTLK] Wifi Woes
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 20:35:00 -0800
I've made a lot of headway with my new Newton 2100 the last few days in
almost all respects. Can anyone give me any advice on my last
outstanding issue?
I still can't get my Lucent Turbo Bronze card to work. I know there's
been a lot of discussion on this issue with other users, but I haven't
yet hit on my magic solution.
When I tap Connect a couple of windows flash by that say "initializing"
and "engaging" the ethernet driver and then the "looking for host"
windows pops up. Finally, I get an error message from Nethopper that
says "No response from your current DNS server. Check your Internet
connections or contact the server administrator." Pretty much the same
thing happens with Newts Cape or Courier.
Based on my limited Newton experience, I can't tell if this is a
hardware or software issue.
I have a set-up very similar to yours, a Lucent Turbo Bronze card and
an Airport Express. I used to have an Airport Graphite base station
and was able to connect with no problem. When it suddenly died I
replaced it with an Airport Express and could no longer connect. I
believe this is a hardware problem and that the Airport Express is the
culprit. I can still connect when I go to a local coffee shop that has
free WiFi. In fact I can connect at Starbucks T-Mobile Hot Spot. I'm
redirected to the T-Mobile log in page but that's as far as I can go
because Courier doesn't do forms and Newtscape input isn't accepted by
T-Mobile to get past their security. I would suggest that you try
connecting at another location if possible. If you are able to do so
successfully I think its a pretty safe bet that the Airport Express is
the cause of the problem. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure
out how to solve the problem. If anyone is successfully connecting
with Airport Express I would be interested in knowing which card they
are using in their Newton.
Craig Smith
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