[NTLK] DC Metro NUG January Meeting

From: Terence Griffin (terence.griffin_at_nist.gov)
Date: Mon Jan 10 2005 - 12:15:26 PST

  Meeting this week!

  Thur., Jan 13, 2005, 9:00 pm
  Buster and Dave's at White Flint Mall
  in Kensington, MD.



  for more info.

  I'd like to propose that this month we focus on wireless networking and
  web browsers for the Newton. I recently got a wifi card and would like
  to share my (limited) experience so far and hopefully learn from

  So far, no one has RSVPed. I'm hoping that proposing a topic might
  inspire others to join us. If no one RSVPs, then the meeting will
  probably be cancaled. So if you plan to attend, PLEASE RSVP at the
  URL above. If you register as a member, you will get notifications
  of meetings and disucssion board activity.

  This group has a standing meeting for the second Thursday of each
  month. Dave Abramowitz, of the Green Light Go PodCast fame, is the
  organizer. Dave and I got together once, but due to appearent lack of
  interest, the last few meetings have been cancaled.

  If there is anything we can do to make it more accessible/enticing,
  please post a message on the group's Meetup.com message board. Meeting
  day, time, frequency, topics, whatever.


  - Tere (terence.griffin_at_nist.gov)

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