From: David Abramowitz (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2005 - 06:34:01 PST
On Jan 12, 2005, at 7:29 AM, Roger Marsh wrote:
> Hello, I just signed up for the list. Im eyeing an item on ebay
> called an EZ2TV Newton Adapter and was wondering if anyone had any
> experience with the the device. The auction is 5743353348.
> Thanks
> marshman
Welcome! Yes, there are many on the list who have owned either the=20
EZ2VGA or EZ2TV cards. The difference between the two is the former=20
allows showing the Newton screen (or Newton presentations if you have=20
the Newton software that came with the card AND Office 98) only on a=20
VGA monitor, while the latter offers VGA monitor or television (I=20
believe it's got RCA outs). They=A0both work quite well. Back when this=20=
card first came out, I used to use it for sales presentations, but=20
since I no longer have Office 98, I've used the card to show the=20
Newton's screen on a shared VGA monitor (through the use of a KVM=20
switch, I could switch back and forth between showing my computers and=20=
showing my Newton on the same monitor).
If you're looking to buy the card, I'd make sure all of the Newton=20
software that came with it is part of the auction. Even though the=20
display driver might be floating around, I doubt the other piece is=20
(that lets you convert PowerPoint 98 presentations into Newton packages=20=
and transport them to the Newt). All depends on what your plans are...
- Dave
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