From: Martin Joseph (
Date: Sat Jan 22 2005 - 12:22:38 PST
On Jan 22, 2005, at 11:57 AM, Frank Gruendel wrote:
>> I think that Peter is probably right about my ISP, though.
>> I'll have to heck if they just aren't ready for Newton (in
>> a backward kind of way).
> Don't tell them you are using a Newton. Tell them you are using
> a PC and ask them everything you need to know. If they hear Newton,
> they'll probably answer something that starts with "we don't
> support..."
> and your last chance of support will be gone.
> Frank (speaking from experience...)
Agreed. It's best if you actually know which questions to ask:
What are the dial up phone #'s? What kind of modems are these?
What is your DNS server address?
Almost every good ISP will work with Newton. Just not MSN or AOL :~)
PS as long as the ISP doesn't need proprietary software you should be
ok (most don't).
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