From: RAParker (RAParker_at_Quadzilla.NET)
Date: Tue Jan 25 2005 - 11:50:57 PST
On Tuesday, January 25, 2005, at 11:12 AM, Eagan Rackley wrote:
> basically I had to solder a serial port
> onto the pins of the GPS receiver. Not too hard,
Yes...yes...that's what I want to do as well! Although I was pretty
confident when I started out, it's turned out a lot harder than I
thought it would be :-(
I recently purchased a Polstar mini GPS device with a PS/2 connector.
Using the pin out diagrams for both the Newton and the Polstar device,
I tried feed 5v DC (from a battery pack) into the Polstar's cable and
take the RS-232 signals (RX & TX) from it and pass them to the Newton's
RS-422 connector. Unfortunately, my first attempts to communicate
haven't succeeded.
It's difficult without knowing what part of the communication is
failing. Whether or not my cable is made right (something about having
to tie pin 8? to ground on the Newton side in order to convert RS-232
to RS-422). Whether or not the GPS is getting power or, even (in my
attempts to build the cable) if I've already blown up the GPS device
without even realizing it.
My next goal is to locate or purchase a DB9 RS-232 cable, specifically
for this type of (PS/2) GPS device, and then hook it up to a PC and a
terminal program to see what's happening. I'll then try to go from the
DB9 to the DB25 Mac modem cable I have.
-- ____ RAParker @ / __ \__ _____ ___ ____ ______ __ ___ / / / / / / / _ | / _ \/_ / / _/ / / / / _ | / /_/ / /_/ / __ |/ // / / /__/ // /__/ /__/ __ | \___\_\____/_/ |_/____/ /___/___/____/____/_/ |_|.NET ----------------------------------------------------- Spitting fire into the face of obsolescence -- -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles:
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