[NTLK] Writers here who use eMate? Experiences?

From: Jim Witte (jswitte_at_bloomington.in.us)
Date: Sun Jan 30 2005 - 22:39:50 PST

Hi, (back from lurkdom..)

   Are there any writers here (professional or otherwise) who use the
eMate as their primary writing tool? I've started using mine in the
past few days out of necessity - I usually use my iBook, but it's off
at Apple :(. I'm currently writing a teleplay arc, and like to have a
large group of files/notes open to keep track of things (ideas for
character traits/interactions, chronology of scenes, and the scenes
themselves). On the iBook, this is not a problem at all - just keep
five files open. On the eMate, I've been using separate papers in
NewtWorks - which works, except that there's no quick way to switch
between papers, or view multiple papers at once (at least not without
extra software)

   Does anyone else have experience using the eMate for this type of
writing-planning? Or are there Newton packages made specifically to
keep track of bits of information like this (as there are Mac programs
to do so)?

Jim Witte
Indiana University CS

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