From: Alex Nonnemacher (
Date: Tue Jul 26 2005 - 10:31:21 PDT
I've been struggling with NCU backing up my Newton MP 2100. I
established a wireless connection between the MP and a Powerbook
running Tiger/Classic, and the connection was always dropped when the
backup progress slip got to "Backing up Courier." The error message
always said that the Mac OS computer disconnected.
I assumed this was some kind of error with my wifi connection, either
due to the base station or an incompatibility between Airport Express
and the Lucent Wavelan card in the Newton, so I tried it on a G4
running OS 9 (not Classic via Mac OS X), via a Keyspan USB Serial
adapter (which, by the way, works fine with NewtSync and Newten).
Guess what? Same error! The strangest part is, I moved Courier to a 4
MB Apple Newton Flash card.
Anyone have any idea what Courier data might still exist on my Newton
that's causing my sync to hang? And if so, any ideas on how to get it
Alex Nonnemacher
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