From: Konstantinos Theofilis (
Date: Thu Jun 09 2005 - 16:13:30 PDT
Ummm, this logic is completely false in its every step. First of
all, these days there is not a strict distinction between risc and
cisc. Pentiums use risc command sets on top of their cisc ones. ...
And darwin is quite different. Mac OS X is not a desktop manager,
its the combination of darwin and a lot of other things. Look at the
"getting started" pages at Apple's developer documentation. And I
cant see how you procceeded to your last conclusion...
Anyway...the last few days I have heard all sorts of wrong things :-)
> But at the moment the hardware is completely different. Intel=3DCISC,
> Apple=3DRISC - okay if it's an X OS (LINUX,UNIX,MACOSX) probably the =
> switch is
> not so very difficult because UNIX has a clearly defined hardware
> abstraction layer. But then it is again Apple which did well - at
> first
> switching from CISC to RISC by means of an CISC emulator for the
> RISC =
> chip
> and now by a new HAL (hardware abstraction layer) in their OSX.
> Probably =
> is
> it possible to compile any UNIX or LINUX source on MACOSX w/o much =
> changes.
> Thus finally MacOSX is simply a new desktop for a kernel an not much =
> more
> and it will not take long time until we'll have to install virus and =
> system
> updates each day. :-(
> Marco
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