Re: [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V5 #297

From: Lord Groundhog (
Date: Mon Jun 13 2005 - 04:05:47 PDT

I'm writing to apologize for the mess. I have no idea why my post turned
into all that -- probably a software glitch but I can't figure out what
caused it.

All I was trying to do was thank Chod for sharing a great little film with
us, and to say that I'll be passing on the link to my friends. (You *will*
be leaving that page up for a long time to come, I hope!)


~~~ On 2005/06/13 04:48, at wrote ~~~

> ------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 17:36:38 +0100
> From: LordGroundhog <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V5 #296
> Q2hvZCwgCgpncmVhdCBtb3ZpZSEgIFRoYW5rcy4gIEknbGwgYmUgc2VuZGluZyBteSBmcmllbmRz
> IHRoZSBsaW5rLiAgCgotIENTCgoKT24gNi8xMi8wNSwgbmV3dG9udGFsa0BuZXd0b250YWxrLm5l
> dCA8bmV3dG9udGFsa0BuZXd0b250YWxrLm5ldD4gd3JvdGU6Cj4gU2VuZCBsaXN0IG1lc3NhZ2Vz

Etc., etc.

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