From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Mon Mar 07 2005 - 09:21:35 PST
Aux environs du 7/03/05 à 12:16 -0500, sous le titre "Re: [NTLK]
newtontalk Digest V5 #121", Matthew Binkowski prit sa plus belle
plume pour écrire les mots suivants:
>Hi Paul,
>Thanks for writing back.
>I do have a serial adapter that works perfectly (i have successfully
>installed several packages). It seems what's missing is this "Hammer
>Connection" package. When I downloaded Hammer from unna, the included
>connection package was called "Debugger Connection". It seems that I
>need to find this other package because the Debugger Connection package
>only results in the following error:
>"Error -1 in setting up the debugging session, check cable and baud
Actually, the proper package is "Debugger Connection". There is no
other package. I misnamed it.
The two operating systems cannot talk to each other. Which version of
MacOS do you have? What adapter do you use? Did you check Hammer's
serial port settings?
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