From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Sun May 08 2005 - 10:00:25 PDT
"Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newton GPS prob: "GPS: 0" -----", should become=20
"Victory at long last -- and terrible defeat... (was Re: [NTLK] Newton=20=
GPS prob: "GPS: 0" -----)"
Dear all,
a(nother) lesson in Humility was taught and learned this morning. After=20=
trying every possible Init command combination ($PRWIINIT and $PRWILOG,=20=
or $PRWIINIT and $PRWIILOG?, etc.) and completing this very=20
fascinating (boring, actually) series of experiments, the only thing I=20=
could try on my own was a deep Newton brainwipe and reinstalling from=20
backups, just as Adriano suggested (remember: HE had success with the=20
same receiver on a freshly brainwiped Newton w/o any command strings!).=20=
Needless to say: As anything Adriano says, this worked brilliantly.
I have done the following:
1. Back-up Internal storage to Storage Card 1.
2. Back-up Storage Cards 1 + 2 to desktop.
3. Remove Card 1; erase Card 2, install GPS Map on it. Remove Card 2.
4. Erase Internal storage.
5. Insert Card 2 (which mounted nicely), start GPS Map and wait. GPS=20
Map acquires position -- worky.
6. Restore complete Internal storage from backup on Card 1. Start GPS=20
Map from Card 2 -- no worky.
Assumption 1: Problem is on Internal store.
7. Remove cards, brainwipe Newton again.
8. Insert Cards. Restore all information, but no packages to Internal.=20=
Start GPS Map -- worky.
Assumption 2: The error lies with a package (buggy? corrupted?=20=
conflicting with GPS Map?).
9. Install packages by letters, reboot and try GPS Map (all "a"=20
packages, reboot, test, then all "b" packages -- so I can say in which=20=
batch of installed packages the cause might lie). -- This should have=20
worked perfectly, but didn't; very weird, as in: no worky, then I=20
freeze the packages of the last batch -- still no worky.
Assumption 3: WTF?!
10. In the end, I had everything restored to the Newton, but no worky.=20=
So I went and froze ALL packages in Internal storage and rebooted=20
(which I didn't do after freezing in the last step... shoulda done that=20=
after each freezing!). GPS Map check: worky.
Assumption 4: After freezing, something stays alive in memory =
reminds Newton that there used to be this thawed package, and this=20
memory is gone after reboot.
11. Then I unfroze the packages letter-batch-wise, rebooted, and=20
checked again. I repeated this, until I found a batch that broke GPS=20
Map position acquisition again. Then I went through a cycle of freezing=20=
one package of this batch, rebooting, GPS Map checking, then the next=20
-- until GPS Map worked again. The last package processed was the=20
culprit... (Deleted this for the time being. Needs more=20
E finalmente, amici -- SUCSESS AT LONG LAST! HOORAY!
Another observation: I have checked TeleType GPS performance, too. I=20
can now get a nice reading in Position mode (more precise heigth=20
reading than GPS Map, plus I just LOVE the flashing satellite dish=20
icon! ;=3D} ) and the Monitor mode doesn't stall anymore. Neat.
Bonus: The Monitor now only shows GGA, RMC and VTG sentences =
coming in=20
(unlike last week...) -- just like I wanted it! Yay! Seems the Init=20
strings I'd used in GPS Map configured the receiver, which keeps the=20
settings in its RAM as long as its rechargeable battery lasts (32 days,=20=
recharges during normal use; after longer intervalls it will be reset=20
by the Init strings in GPS Map). Another brilliant triumph for Team=20
So, I was very happy. Well, as things go, my pure and childish joy very=20=
soon fizzed away, when I tried to get my original data restored to Card=20=
2. The restore went nicely, BUT THEN...
LIGHTNING STRIKES! Restore went great, the Newton restarted, and =
it wanted to activate the packages on Card 2, it just stalled. I forced=20=
a reboot (pwr + reset), removed card, waited until Newton was up and=20
had activated all packages in Internal and Card 1 stores. Then I=20
reinserted Card 2 -- after a couple packages, the activation stalled=20
again (not always on the same package, though...). ARRRGH -- RATS!!!!
Well, seems like I have a new Mayday call:
*** How can I get the =A7$%&#!-card to activate its =
Or how to erase the card completely so I can try the restore =
again? ***
Oscillating between crystal-clear tears of joy and gratitude and sheer=20=
disgust, horror and contempt,
yer pal 'Kasko.
P.S.: Okay, and next week I'll get the serial-to-USB cable the=20
manufacturer offers, so then I can hook the receiver up with my ole=20
PowerBook. Say, what's a good Navigation + GPS application for OS X=20
(with European topographical maps in 1:50.000 or even 1:25.000,=20
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