[NTLK] current freeware becoming open source?

From: Thomas Isenbarger (isen_at_charter.net)
Date: Fri May 27 2005 - 18:17:50 PDT

I am just wonder if any software authors who are still active on this
list and who have released free newton software have considered
releasing the software as open source.

For instance, in playing with the various mail packages, I have
noticed that i'd like the ability to set SimpleMail to check mail on
a regular interval as it can be done in Mail V. If SimpleMail were
to be released open source, how difficult would it be for a Newton
programmer to add this capability? Or add something similar to the
informative connection/mail download slip that Eudora mail has
(probably more difficult than the first, I realise)? Or, I'd like
the ability to set various filters in Mail V that I see in SimpleMail
or Eudora mail. . .or tell SimpleMail to skip over an email that
produces an error and continue with the rest of the mail.

Is this realistic, thinking these pkgs can be tweaked this way in the
event of their release into open source territory, or would making
these changes by more difficult that I realise?

Tom Isenbarger

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