Re: [NTLK] Newton stand

From: robinson (
Date: Sun Nov 20 2005 - 17:55:02 PST

Beth was sleeping when I saw the HP41CX (7564217293) page. I thought that
tag means hour. Then, after that, I thought that tag means weeks. So I
decide to use google and remember (I studied one year of german) that tag
means DAY.
you can BID the hp 41 CX until 130 euros, if you believe that this BID can
get the stuff. OK?
That machine sounds very good...
I have to return my german studies....

(and my english studies too!!!!)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Gruendel" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:45 PM
Subject: [NTLK] Newton stand

>> Hi List. This prototype is a bit rough round the
>> edges, but I think it's closer to what I'm aiming
>> at. Please see...
> Looks quite amazing. But I would be very afraid that the
> Newton, while resting on the stand in portrait mode, would
> fall backwards if I tap in the upper half of the display,
> especially towards the top. While in landscape mode tapping
> at the top would probably not be a problem, but I have my doubts
> when it comes to the right and left edges.
> Apart from that, a cool designer's object.
> Frank
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