From: John Hay (
Date: Thu Oct 13 2005 - 05:46:19 PDT
I had laughed and written this new Palm "device" off without even giving
it a chance. Is it worth looking at or is it just an over-bloated candy-
coated half-ass attempt to come close to what the Newton already did a
decade ago? Curious but don't have time to wade through the propaganda.
Any comments welcome. Have to keep an open mind I guess ;-) John
10/12/05 Sonya Hipper issued the following and I have taken literary
license to pass it along on a "Need to Know Basis" . . . ?
>Modst the hustle and bustle of Apple's product announcements, anyone =20
>see this?
>Tell me that doesn't look like good Einstein host fodder! :-D
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