Re: [NTLK] Newtons

From: Wally Guittard (
Date: Sun Oct 30 2005 - 22:09:16 PST

Hi Paul,

     they were at one time. What I mean by NIB is that
all the hardware/software and documention is in the
original box. Every one that I have has been opened by
me to insure that what I am telling you is true and to
check and be sure these are not refurbs

   I have found several that are refurbs in what I
thought were NIB but they had a refurb sticker on them
inside the box and it did not say so on the box.

    These that I have, the boxs are not in 100%
pristine condition as they have been sold in lots to
different wholesale dealers and resold and resold
again. So you can figure that they have been packed
and repacked and done again several times to different
wholesale dealers.

     I found these in a warehouse stuck back in a
corner buried under a lot of other computer stuff in a
larger box with a lot of Newtons that had no boxs or
partial boxs and the documemtion/software and hardware
just thrown in with it. Their were only a few that
were intact in the box and those are the ones I am
 Wally G.

--- Paul Curtis <> wrote:

> When you say NIB, does that mean sealed?
> Best Regards,
> Paul Curtis
> Certified Mortgage Planner
> (517) 775-6666 Cell (Voice Mail)
> (517) 579-0849 Facsimile
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf
> Of Wally Guittard
> Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2005 8:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: [NTLK] Newtons
> Newtons for sale,
> The Newton H1000, 3 of them working with stylus.
> These are in such good condition they look new. No
> cuts, Scratches, or
> bruses. just very nice machines.
> No dimples on the screens. Just very nice.
> Add one to your collection or for your personal
> use, How much?? $20.00 shipped each.
> I've still got 3 NIB 120s each $35.00 shipped
> in the lower 48
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