From: Martin Jean (
Date: Tue Sep 06 2005 - 12:34:02 PDT
Thanks for your sharing your thoughts about GTD and the Newt.
I am still struggling to implement GTD on a PDA. I have a Palm and a Newton MessagePad 2100. until recently, I used the Palm, but it broke after only a year. On that machine, I use Life Balance and MyWeek and I sync (with more or less success) with Palm Desktop, iSync, and Entourage 2004.
While I am waiting for it to be repaired, I now play a little with my trustee Newton. I also have MoreInfo and MoreFolders. Like you, I tried HyperNewt and dumped it.
Are you willing to anwser some of my questions:
- Can you confirm that all your Notes folders and global?
- Can you share with us how you do your weekly review? In particular, how do you identify projects that miss a Next Action?
- Can you explain in more details your Dashboard and Gesture Launch scripts?
Thanks again,
-- Martin Jean -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles:
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