02/apr/06 Knowledge Navigator wrote:
> Hello Newtontalkers,
> I am considering a production run on blue and white eMate and
> Newton 2000/2100 Backlights. I realize there are a lot of Newton
> 2000 series machines out there and I will primarily size the
> backlights for these units however, I would like pose an open
> inquiry to the list to determine interest in the same blue and
> white backlights for eMate units.
Pardon me if i ask,
but wouldn't Calvin Grier already sells lcd upgrades for the
MessagePad2x00 series?
If you didn't notice it, here's the link to his website: http://
[I happily own a bunch of white and blue lcds which i bought from him]
> I have noticed an increase in the number of eMate units sold on
> eBay. With all these used units some, if not many, may need both
> the eMate Display cable replacement (www.newtonsales.com/edc.htm)
> and new Backlights.
Never heard about a replacement display for eMate, so if you could
run production for such upgrade
it would be a very good thing, expecially if the price could stay
equal to the one offered by Calvin during last years.
> Installation of the backlight would require one to unsolder their
> existing electrical routing cables to attach to these prepared
> backlights. For those that do not feel comfortable with soldering,
> I will provide a service whereby you would send me your old
> backlight, and I would in turn remove the cables from this one to
> attach to the new backlight and mail them back together ready for
> installation.
I think at least a couple of people could offer display replacement
here in Europe, if this could be of help to contain overall cost
> I would appreciate a direct email confirming interest in a blue or
> white backlight for the eMate (specify which color you would
> prefer). There will be a discount for list members as soon as
> pricing for the backlights is confirmed.
Have you got any idea about the cost for a new emate display alone?
> Thank you
> KN.
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