[NTLK] NPDS server

From: Andreas Nijenhuis <Andreas.nijenhuis_at_laposte.net>
Date: Sat Apr 08 2006 - 11:19:04 EDT

Hello list,

Since it's one of the (many) surprising things one can do with a Newton,
I set up a NPDS server, with the kind help of the specialists of the matter.

I embedded it in my Newton dedicated web page, at this location :


You may, if you wish, post a message on the thing (in whatever language
you like), by scrolling down to "Post a Note Using: Whiteboard".

I won't be sitting aside the server, so I hope it won't crash ;-) But I
must say that the server is stable.

Q : I don't remember where the setting is to connect automatically to
internet (rather then by tapping the connection slip when it comes up).
If someone could tell/remind me, the server would restart automatically
in the case of an event, thanks to NPDS watcher.

Tanti saluti,


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Received on Sat Apr 8 11:19:21 2006

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