Re: [NTLK] So many questions, so little time...

From: Jon Glass <>
Date: Mon Apr 24 2006 - 01:27:53 EDT

I can't answer everything, but I shall try with what I can... ;-)

On 4/24/06, joshua james <> wrote:
> I have MacinTalk installed, and there used to be a selection in the routing
> menu of my books for "speak text". Now it's only there in notes but not in
> books. Any ideas where it went and how to get it back?

On my Newton, I have two separate extensions that do basically the
same thing. IIRC, only one of them will work with books. Maybe you
deleted the wrong one?

> Also, a quick question about works: is the text editing part of it only
> useable with a keyboard? It doesn't seem to acknowledge the stylus for entry
> at all.

Works, out of the box, does not support HWR. However, there are some
extensions you can download that will add that ability to Works. Check
on I forget which one I have.... WriteHere maybe? But
there are two or three, so it shouldn't be too hard to find! There are
also tons of goodies for Works, rulers, stationery, stamps, etc. I
think you can find it all on Go wild!

> regular PC. Does anyone know if the 2100 keyboard is of similar dimensions?

I believe so, yes.

> Also also also, if anyone's still reading this thread, does anyone know how
> to export notes and such off the Newt and onto a desktop PC? whenever I try
> it asks me to choose an executable and I'm not sure what it wants.

Hm. that's a toughie. Have you tried emailing them? Doesn't NCU have
an export feature? Maybe try exporting one note at a time, or as
separate notes. I seem to recall having problems in Mac NCU exporting
multiple notes to one file in the past--long ago past,

 -Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
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Received on Mon Apr 24 01:28:16 2006

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